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On the 18 and 19 October the Crocus City Hall concert hall will host a long expected music event of this autumn - Moscow will welcome the participants of the III Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest. In the course of two gala nights the stage of the best concert hall of the capital will present 15 young performers from 9 countries, who were selected out of several hundreds of professional vocalists to take part in this top ranking vocal contest. The organizer of the contest, the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultiral Heritage Fund, announced the release of tickets for both concert nights


On 19 and 20 April the hall of V.I. Muradeli music school witnessed vocal training events of Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya, the People’s Artist of the USSR, principal singer of the Bolshoi Theatre, professor, head of GITIS vocal arts subdivision.


Dear applicants of the III Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contest


Dear contenders for participation in the III M. Magomaev International Vocalists Contest.


The decree issued by the Government of the Russian Federation on 23 December 2013 specifies that Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya and Aras Iskenderovich Agalarov are awarded with the 2013 prize in the area of culture in acknowledgement of establishment of the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund.


The decree issued by the Government of the Russian Federation on 23 December 2013 specifies that Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya and Aras Iskenderovich Agalarov are awarded with the 2013 prize in the area of culture in acknowledgement of establishment of the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund


The Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund is glad to announce that 21st December at 4 p.m. the Culture TV Channel (RUSSIA K) will broadcast the “To our beloved Artist…” gala concert that was held on 9th October in the Moscow House of Music and featured winners of the I and the II Muslim Magomaev International Vocalists Contests


According to the settled tradition, friends and worshipers of musician Muslim Magomaev gathered on 25th October to honour the memory of this great Russian and Azerbaijan singer and composer. On this day every worshiper of Muslim Magometovich’s talent came up once more to his monument located in Moscow in the mini park at the crossroads of Voznesenskiy and Eliseevskiy sidestreets


Friends and colleagues of a great musician Muslim Magomaev are getting together in the Moscow downtown on 25th October 2013 in order to honour the memory of this great Russian and Azerbaijan singer and composer


The Bolshoi Theatre of Russia dedicates the Boris Godunov opera which is held on 1st of October 2013 to the outstanding opera performer and the People’ Artist of the USSR Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya who celebrates her big birthday this year

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Фонд культурно-музыкального наследия Муслима Магомаева, 2025

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