Personal Scholarship Regulations
Regulations of Personal Scholarship granted by the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund in the 2013/2014 academic year
General 1.1. These regulations establish terms and procedure of granting and payment of Muslim Magomaev scholarships. 1.2. The personal scholarship is established by the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund (hereinafter the “Fund”) in order to give support to highly talented students, particularly full-course (noncommercial) undergraduates of vocal subdivisions at higher music arts education institutions of the Russian Federation. 1.3. The personal scholarship is granted on the basis of competitive selection. Qualification Requirements of the Personal Scholarship The personal scholarship may be granted to a full-course (noncommercial) undergraduate of state higher music arts education institution of Russia (hereinafter “the Institution”) who studies at the final course. Any applicant should have good or excellent academic progress at principal educational subjects. Procedure of granting and payment 3.1. The personal scholarship competition is open. Competition is conducted once a year. Information on personal scholarship competition is published at the web-site not later than one month before the first day of registration of applicants. 3.2. The Fund grants not more than 10 yearly personal scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year at the rate of 35 000,00 rubles each (monthly scholarship is 3 500,00 rubles). The amount of personal scholarship has already been adjusted subject to 13% individual income tax. 3.3. Personal scholarship is granted by decision of scholarship committee of the Fund presided by the Chairman of the Fund’s Supervisory Board on the basis of the results of competitive qualification and documents filed by applicants. 3.4. Members of scholarship committee are appointed by decision of the Chairman of the Fund’s Supervisory Board. Their names are not disclosed. Any decision made by scholarship committee shall be subject to no revision. 3.4. Personal scholarship is paid only to undergraduates of state higher music arts education institutions of Russia. 3.5. Personal scholarship is valid during one academic year (10 months) from 1st September 2013 to 30th June 2014. 3.6. Any person wishing to take part in the personal scholarship competition should file the following documents to the scholarship committee: Application and questionnaire form filled by applicant wishing to obtain personal scholarship (schedule 1 to these Regulations); DVD with a couple of pieces performed by applicant not more than 6 months before filing of application; the performance must be recorded in an acoustic hall (assembly hall) with a piano background; photocopy of grade book certified by dean’s office; photocopy of passport; character reference (in any form) made by the head of subdivision or dean of faculty where applicant studies and certified by dean or president of corresponding state higher music arts education institution of Russia. 3.8. Documents are accepted from 1st July to 21st September 2013. 3.9. According to the results of examination of filed documents the scholarship committee takes a decision to grant personal scholarships for 2013/2014 academic year within 10 calendar days after the last day of documents acceptance period. 3.10. The list of scholarship holders for the corresponding academic year shall be approved by the Chairman of the Fund’s Supervisory Board. 3.11. Upon approval of scholarship holders by the Chairman of the Fund’s Supervisory Board but not later than 12th October 2013 the Fund’s administration board sends Certificates to the addresses specified in questionnaires filled by applicants. The Fund pays personal scholarships once per month on the 10th day after the last day of the corresponding month by wire transfer to current or card account of scholarship holder. Scholarship holder wishing to receive money transfer should file the following documents to the Fund within 5 calendar days upon receipt of Certificate: number of current or card account; Taxpayer Identification Number. 3.12. Personal scholarship is paid additionally to any scholarship established by state higher music arts education institution of Russia and any other scholarship. 3.13. Each undergraduate who was the holder of Muslim Magomaev’s scholarships in earlier years may participate in any new competition on a common basis. Participation in training event Undergraduates holding the personal scholarship of Muslim Magomaev may take part in one T.I. Sinyavskaya training event per year. The Fund provides each undergraduate residing outside Moscow and Moscow Area with paid travel to the event and back, hotel accommodation during his/her participation in the event. Reasons for termination of scholarship 5.1. Personal scholarship may be cancelled in the following circumstances: Undergraduate holding the scholarship obtains an academic leave; Undergraduate holding the scholarship is expelled from state higher music arts education institution of Russia; Undergraduate holding the scholarship is transferred or goes to another higher education institution; Undergraduate holding the scholarship participates in temporary education including exchange programs with another Russian or foreign higher education institution for more than two months of corresponding academic year; Undergraduate holding the scholarship performs any action (criminal or immoral) that compromises the title of holder of Muslim Magomaev’s personal scholarship. 5.2. State higher music arts education institution of Russia must immediately inform the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund of any circumstances specified in clause 5.1 hereof . 5.3. The Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund takes a decision to cancel personal scholarship on the basis of documents provided by dean’s office of state higher music arts education institution of Russia where the corresponding scholarship holder studied. Postal address of the Muslim Magomaev Musical and Cultural Heritage Fund: Central reception of the Crocus City Mall, building 4 of the Crocus City Trade and Entertainment Center, 65-66th km of the Moscow Ring Road, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Area 143402.
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Фонд культурно-музыкального наследия Муслима Магомаева,
2025 |
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